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Uso de mainstream economics en inglés
This has resulted in an impoverished historical and social content within mainstreameconomics.
I grew up next to a slum in India, and I was trained in mainstreameconomics.
This novel explanation is in the tradition of Keynes and Tinbergen while it fits in with mainstreameconomics.
Just as important, however, are the conceptual continuities between mainstreameconomics as academic discipline and as governing policy ideology.
He says high rates cause inflation -a view which, to put it mildly, flies in the face of mainstreameconomics.
While this is far from mainstreameconomics, it is worth considering this line of thinking, and the potential implications for financial markets.
A differentiation-cum-contradiction that political economics neglected to make before Marx came along and that mainstreameconomics is steadfastly refusing to acknowledge today.
Capitalism's dysfunctions have led me to appreciate and independently learn what Marxian economics has to teach me, outside of Yale's mainstreameconomics.
The Nobel prizewinner Paul Krugman has pointed to the recent work of Thomas Piketty as proof that mainstreameconomics is plenty wide-ranging enough.
Erdogan, who favors consumption-led growth, has repeatedly railed against high interest rates in Turkey, saying they cause inflation, a stance at odds with mainstreameconomics.
Mainstreameconomics still has debates, but they tend to be technical in nature.
Mainstreameconomics appears to accept high rates of (equilibrium) unemployment as the apparent characteristic of the modern economy.